The Student Enrichment Office (SEO) hopes to accompany all CIM students in their journey toward becoming competent, efficient, and skilled doctors with a heart. As the students hurdle four years of academic and character formation at CIM, the SEO institutes programs that would assist the students to develop in them the will to excel, the passion to serve, and the heart to heal.
In order to accomplish these objectives the SEO hopes to have a one on one conversation with each student as time permits and as the need arises. However, the SEO will give more priority and attention on the following:
- First year students;
- Students coming from other provinces and other counties;
- Students on academic probation or repeaters and those with academic problems;
- Students with special needs (those with ongoing mental, psychological and spiritual concerns like depression, extreme stress, identity crises, spiritual crises, etc.);
- Students referred to the unit by the school (Dean, Unit heads, professors)for guidance and conversation.
Aside from the one on one conversations with the students, the SEO hopes to facilitate the following:
- Guidance and Group dynamics for existing student organizations.
- Spiritual recollection during Advent and Lenten Seasons for the entire student body.
- Spiritual recollection for the 4th year students at the end of internship.
The SEO would also tie-up with and assist the other departments in order to accomplish its objectives in assisting CIM students become the best versions of themselves at the time they graduate from this institution.